Tag Archive for: Sheep and Goats

Building Strong Foundations, Part 2. Adaptive Grazing: Matching Land and Livestock
How many animals should I have?
This video -- the second session…

Overgrazing – A Chronic Soil Disturbance on Grazing Lands: Part I
Chronic human diseases are everywhere these days it seems. Interestingly, there are some similarities between how our bodies respond to acute and chronic disturbances and how grazing lands respond to acute and chronic disturbances that come in the form of grazing, drought, fire, hail and even insect pest invasion.
By Justin Morris, Regenerative Grazing Specialist
By Justin Morris, Regenerative Grazing Specialist

The Impact of Grazing Frequency and Recovery Period on Plant Diversity and Soil Health
During my extensive travels working in pastoral ecosystems for nearly 20 years, ranging from Hawaii to New Hampshire and a lot of places in between, I’ve observed a common phenomenon. Whenever I would see a pasture that was always grazed down very short, I would see maybe two or three species of plants there. At the opposite end of the spectrum, I observed fields where livestock were never permitted to go and again, I would see a few plant species at best. Between these two extremes I found pastures with incredible diversity. So, what was driving plant diversity or the lack of it?
By Justin Morris, Regenerative Livestock Specialist
By Justin Morris, Regenerative Livestock Specialist

Episode 228. A Closer Look at Hair Sheep
In this episode of Voices from the Field, Margo Hale, NCAT’S…

The ABC(DE) of Animal Health
I have been raising livestock since I was a young child, and I have learned some things in doing so. Today I want to share an easy way to think through animal observations. These basic indicators of animal health will allow you, the livestock manager, to see early warning signs and take effective action. While my experience is mostly with sheep and goats, these principles apply to other livestock, as well.
By Linda Coffey, Livestock Specialist
By Linda Coffey, Livestock Specialist

Demystifying Regenerative Grazing and Soil Health with Dr. Allen Williams
In this video, Dr. Allen Williams of Understanding Ag. LLC, leads…

Episode 216. Sheep and the Sun: Solar Grazing with Lexie Hain
Got sheep (or other livestock)? This week, we're spotlighting…

For a Safe Lambing Season, Make a ‘Lambulance’
During lambing, sometimes even healthy and productive ewes can create a challenge for shepherds determined to get everyone to safety. That’s why National Center for Appropriate Technology Regenerative Grazing Specialist Linda Poole recommends making your own lamb ambulance or ‘lambulance’ before lambing.
By Emilie Saunders, NCAT Communications Director
By Emilie Saunders, NCAT Communications Director

Top 5 Lambing Hacks for a Panic-Free Season
By Linda Poole, Regenerative Grazing Specialist
Like many…

Building Blocks for Healthy Herds and Flocks
Building Blocks for Healthy Herds and Flocks
In this webinar,…