Entries by ncat-admin

Episode 205. Inoculating Legume Cover Crops

In this episode of Voices from the Field, Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Colin Mitchell who works out of NCAT’s Southwest Regional Office in San Antonio, Texas, sits down with Stephanie Kasper, a biology research associate at University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley, to discuss ways to ensure successful nodulation of legume cover crops. In a […]

LC Compost Solutions – A Future Solution for Carcass and Bio-hazardous Waste Disposal in Montana

While NCAT was preparing our final report for the Blackfeet feasibility study for a processing plant on tribal land, one thing became apparent: certain by-products from meat processing, such as offal, bones, and hides are very much at the mercy of market prices. One minute, they could be a value-added product, and the next minute, they could become an additional disposal cost.
By Andrew Coggins, NCAT Rocky Mountain West Office Director

Episode 203. Supporting Beginning Farmers Market Vendors

In this episode of Voices from the Field, Maura Henn, a community food system specialist with the National Center for Appropriate Technology’s Western Regional Office in Butte, Montana, talks with representatives of the Oregon Farmers Market Association. They are Kelly Crane, OFMA’s executive director; Amanda Cross, OFMA’s programs manager; and Mallory Rahe, PhD, assistant extension […]

Ready for the Future? Climate Disruption and Crop Insurance

By Jeff Schahczenski, NCAT Agricultural and Natural Resource Economist Craig Schmitt, a long-time organic grain farmer from Wolf Point, Montana, has some problems doing the right thing. Having just recently recovered from a bout with COVID-19, he feels lucky to be well again. However, being ill put him behind on seeding and he is almost […]

Episode 202. Ag Strategies for Ogallala Aquifer. Part 2

This episode of Voices from the Field is the second of a two-part discussion with Kara Kroeger, a sustainable agriculture specialist with the National Center for Appropriate Technology’s Southwest Regional Office in San Antonio, Texas, and Dr. Chris Grotegut of Hereford, Texas, which is located in the Texas Panhandle. Chris is a veterinarian, farmer, and […]

Episode 201. Ag Strategies for Ogallala Aquifer. Part 1

This episode of Voices from the Field is the first of a two-part discussion with Kara Kroeger, a sustainable agriculture specialist with the National Center for Appropriate Technology’s Southwest Regional Office in San Antonio, Texas, and Dr. Chris Grotegut of Hereford, Texas, which is located in the Texas Panhandle. Chris is a veterinarian, farmer, and […]

Episode 200. Practicas de Agricultura Regenerativa

Entrevista en Radio Bilingüe del especialista en agricultura sostenible Martin Guerena del Centro Nacional de Tecnología Apropiada sobre algunas prácticas que promueven la salud y fertilidad del suelo. Recursos de ATTRA Recursos en Español El Manejo Sostenible del Suelo Los Cinco Principios de la Salud del Suelo Suelos Salinos y Sódicos Solarización y Biosolarización del […]

Plant Diversity for Animal Health

While many people make conscious decisions about what foods they eat for health reasons, the same considerations are not often made for livestock. We rarely discuss how the variety of plants they eat affects their health, wellness, and nutrient density of their meat.
By Kara Kroeger, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist