Hereford cattle grazing on an ARS research range in Montana.

Episode 341. The Center for Grazinglands and Ranch Management: A Conversation

This week’s episode of Voices from the Field is a conversation…
Cow at frozen pond

Providing Water to Livestock in Frigid Weather

Weather events bring all sorts of challenges to livestock producers, but perhaps none more than severe winter weather. The bitterly cold temperatures in February 2021 sparked a conversation among NCAT Livestock Specialists about how we provide water to stock during such times.
By Linda Coffey, Margo Hale, and Dave Scott, NCAT Livestock Specialists

Episode 335. She’s Raising Sheep: Sheridan Rowe Langford of Texas 

Sheri Langford is a straight-talking Texas shepherd, dog trainer,…

Episode 334. Teaming Up with Oxen

In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture…

Episode 333. Draft Animals 101

For centuries, draft animals were the premier power source for…

Episode 331. Meet NCAT: Danielle Duni, Carbon Farm Planner for Woolgrowers in Wyoming

This episode of Voices from the Field introduces one of NCAT’s…
St. Croix and Katahdin sheep.

Episode 328. Lessons Learned from a Southern Farm: Alabama Farm’s Organic Integrity

This episode of Voices from the Field is the first of a new podcast…

All Chopped Up with Somewhere to Grow

By Justin Duncan, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Recently…