Field Tests Show Red Netting More Effective at Lessening Insect Damage

The University of Tokyo has published research results showing that red netting is significantly more effective than either white or black netting at deterring onion thrips from eating Welsh onions or Kujo leeks. In field testing, onion crops which were either partially or fully covered by red netting required 25 to 50% less insecticide than was needed for a totally uncovered field. The red nets were more effective at deterring pests than white or black netting, even though the red nets had a larger opening size. “These new red nets are more expensive than pesticides, but they are economical because they can be used for years. They are also very effective in controlling pests without all the work involved in spraying pesticides,” said Professor Masami Shimoda.
Related ATTRA publication: Organic Production of Garlic, Onions, and Other Alliums