Tag Archive for: Cover Crops

Episode 250. Practical Steps for Reducing Synthetic Fertilizer Use
For more than 35 years, the National Center for Appropriate Technology’s ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture program has been helping farmers and ranchers grow nutritious food and operate successful businesses without synthetic fertilizer. Now, NCAT has released a new toolkit with trusted and practical resources for farmers who want to transition away from the use of synthetic fertilizers.
Emilie Ritter Saunders, Nina Prater and Lee Rinehart
Emilie Ritter Saunders, Nina Prater and Lee Rinehart

Watch: NCAT Releases Soil Health 101 Series
In a new video series: Soil Health 101: Principles for Livestock…

Episode 243. Cover Crops and Their Impact on Soil Health, Crop Productivity
In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Mike Lewis is joined by Shawn Lucas, an assistant professor of organic agriculture at Kentucky State University, in a conversation about cover crops.
Mike Lewis and Shawn Lucas
Mike Lewis and Shawn Lucas

Integrating Livestock with Crops Project: Food-Safety Considerations
A three-year research project at Montana State University,"Impacts…

Episode 233. Aplicando prácticas de conservación a un huerta
Jose Robles es un ex agricultor de almendras que comparte su experiencia aplicando prácticas de conservación a su huerta. Explica porque empezó a aplicar compost y sembrar cultivos de cobertura cuando sus vecinos no lo hacían. También habla sobre su nueva transición en su nuevo rancho con ideas de producir ganado y también aplicar prácticas de conservación.
Jose Robles y Martin Guerena
Jose Robles y Martin Guerena

Weekly Wednesday Workshop: Winter Cover Crops
In this video, Felicia Bell, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist…

Episode 223: Do Cover Crops Steal Water? Part 2
This episode of Voices from the Field continues the discussion…

Episode 222: Do Cover Crops Steal Water? Part 1
In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture…

Episode 213. Using Drones in Agriculture
In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture…

Organic Production with Vicki Morrone: Part 2. Cover Crops
In this webinar, NCAT’s Felicia Bell is joined by Vicki Morrone,…