Tag Archive for: Crops

Episode 277. A Look at the Texas Soil Wealth Alliance, Part 1
This episode of Voices from the Field is the first of a two-part…

Episode 271. Farmer Veteran Finds Passion in Horticulture Therapy
In this episode of Voices from the Field, Margo Hale, NCAT’s…

Managing and Maintaining a Coffee System in Southern California
In this video, organic farmer Scott Murray discusses how to manage…

Designing a Coffee and Avocado Alley Cropping System
This video case study takes us on a tour of Jason Mraz's family…

Avocado Production 101 for Southern California
In this video, organic farmer Scott Murray covers all the basics…

Learning from Western Fiber: How to Process Hemp into Fiber and Create Your Own Market
Western Fiber is creating new markets for industrial hemp products,…

Weekly Wednesday Workshop: Beekeeping
Beekeeper Ali Pinion talks about getting started in beekeeping…

Episode 256. Organic Pioneer Michael O’Gorman on Vegetable Production for Profitability, Part 2
This episode of Voices from the Field is the second part of a conversation between NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Mike Lewis and Michael O’ Gorman, an organic farming pioneer and founder of the Farmer Veteran Coalition.
Mike Lewis and Michael O’ Gorman
Mike Lewis and Michael O’ Gorman

Episode 255. Organic Pioneer Michael O’Gorman on Vegetable Production for Profitability
This episode of Voices from the Field is the first of a two-part conversation with organic farming pioneer and founder of the Farmer Veteran Coalition Michael O’Gorman. For 50 years, Michael has spearheaded some of the country’s most influential farming ventures. In this part of the conversation, he and NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Mike Lewis talk about Michael’s history and how good planning and record keeping can help farmers cope with rising prices for inputs and supplies.
Mike Lewis and Michael O’Gorman
Mike Lewis and Michael O’Gorman

New Toolkit: How to Reduce Synthetic Fertilizer Use
For more than 35 years, the National Center for Appropriate Technology’s…