Entries by Rich Myers

Episode 312. New NCAT Irrigation Publications Demystify Water and Energy Savings

In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Katherine Favor talks to NCAT Southwest Regional Director Mike Morris about a new series of irrigation guidebooks available from NCAT’s ATTRA program. Mike and Katherine discuss some common myths and misunderstandings about irrigation, the under-appreciated importance of soil health to irrigators, and some […]

Episode 311: More Than Food Grows at Community Gardens and Urban Farms

Community gardens and urban farms provide more than just delicious, fresh food for surrounding neighborhoods. In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialists Felicia Bell and Nina Prater talk about what these two types of enterprises are and the differences between them, why they are so beneficial, what some of their […]

Episode 310. A Conversation with Organic Pioneer Bob Scowcroft

In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Martin Guerena has a conversation with Bob Scowcroft, former Executive Director of California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) and Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF). Bob recounts his involvement in the organic movement, from working as an organizer with Friends of the Earth on pesticide […]

How Agrisolar Helped the Cows Come Home to One Northeast Farm

For more than 150 years, Knowlton Family Farms in Grafton, Massachusetts, has been a family-owned operation. It has grown and shrunk over the years, and now it is back in a period of expansion thanks to combining solar-energy production with agriculture. This video, produced for the National Center for Appropriate Technology’s AgriSolar Clearinghouse, tells the […]

LandPKS: Learning How to Monitor Our Land Over Time and Discover Its Potential

This video is a primer on how to use LandPKS, a phone app that lets you gauge the production and conservation potential of your land through easy monitoring, tracking, and data-analysis tools. The presentation by Laura Hamrick, Program Coordinator for LandPKS, and Jeff Herrick, a soil scientist with the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Las […]

Women, Livestock, and the Land

In this video, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Linda Coffey talks about the project she leads — Women, Livestock, and the Land (WLL). WLL aims to connect woman who are beginning pasture-based livestock enterprises with resources and peer-to-peer learning opportunities around soil-health principles, regenerative grazing, and low-stress livestock handling. Through WLL, Linda has been able to […]

Episode 308. How to Work with Historically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers

In this episode of Voices from the Field, two NCAT staffers talk about their years of experience working with historically underserved farmers. Gulf States Regional Director Rockiell Woods and Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Felicia Bell discuss who the USDA NRCS defines as historically underserved and some of the programs that are available to them. They also […]

AgriSolar Podcast Ep. 6: The Big Picture and Nitty Gritty of Agrisolar

This episode is a conversation between NCAT Energy Program Director Stacie Peterson and Iain Ward, a farmer and founder of Solar Agricultural Services. It is the sixth in a series of AgriSolar Clearinghouse podcasts that are being featured on ATTRA’S Voices from the Field podcast. Stacie and Iain discuss the potential of agrisolar as way […]