Mississippi Food Justice Collaborative: Transforming Mississippi Food Systems

Food culture is very rich here in Mississippi. No matter where your adventures lead you, food will navigate you across the state to people, culture, landmarks, history, and all of the things that I feel make The Magnolia State so great.
By Asha Tillman, NCAT Agriculture Specialist and Co-Coordinator of the MS Food Systems Fellowship
Red Lodge Farmers Market

Farmers markets are ESSENTIAL. Let’s celebrate them the first week of August

Like many beginnings farmers, I started out selling at farmers markets in central New York State. It afforded me the opportunity to try out my marketing skills with relatively little risk.
By Maura Henn, NCAT Community Food Systems Specialist; Tammy Howard, NCAT Agriculture Specialist; and Dave Scott, NCAT Livestock Specialist
drought tolerant garden

Low-Maintenance Gardening in the Time of Pandemic and Drought

During these challenging times, home gardening has become one of the more popular past times for many people.
By Martin Guerena, Sustainable Agriculture Specialist
Kara with group

Feeding Communities Impacted by the Pandemic

The most amazing thing I have seen come out of the COVID-19 pandemic is our ability to adapt and mobilize into positive action, regardless of the circumstances.
By Kara Kroeger, NCAT Agriculture Specialist
homemade desktop hydro

How About Growing Your Own Food During the COVID-19 Restrictions?

We are all used to popping down to the local supermarket or garden center to buy potted plants or flowers to liven up the house, and to a certain degree, we still can. But as we are spending more time at home than we could have imagined a few months ago, why not also consider buying plant starts or seeds and growing your own food?
By Andrew Coggins, NCAT Rocky Mountain West Regional Director

Episode 147. Agricultura en California

Javier Zamora es agricultor orgánico productor de fresas, moras,…
Devona's 2020 Starts

ATTRA Resources for Resiliency

Here on my farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwest Virginia, I am extremely eager to get my garden started. Due to the uncertain times brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, I am motivated to achieve greater self-sufficiency and resilience for my family.
By Devona Bell, Director of Sustainable Agriculture, Rural Communities & Local Foods
vegetables in basket

Episode 139. Community Gardens and Sustainable Agriculture

This episode of Voices from the Field explores community gardening…

Episode 133. History of Food Cooperatives in the South

In this episode, Felicia Bell, sustainable agricultural specialist…
Cindy Ayers selling produce at a local market