Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is derived from natural sources that can be replenished. For example, solar panels and passive solar buildings capture energy from the sun, wind turbines from air currents, hydro generators from flowing water, and geothermal systems take advantage of the earth’s steady temperature. Biofuels are also considered an alternative energy source. Learn more in ATTRA’s Bioenergy topic area.
With high energy costs, decreases in the cost of alternative energy systems, and federal and state alternative energy incentives, farms and ranches are increasingly interested in alternative energy to meet their needs and decrease dependance on fossil fuels. The resources found on this page describe applications of alternative energy on farms, how they work, and the economic impact of those systems.
Agrisolar is solar energy production and agricultural production on the same land simultaneously. NCAT’s AgriSolar Clearinghouse connects businesses, land managers, and researchers with trusted resources to support the growth of co-located solar and sustainable agriculture.
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