water infiltration test
child reaching into salad bar
Stephanie Kasper with colorful cauliflower.

A Garden of Hope: The Hub of Prosperity

Sometimes, old ideas resurface. In the same way, farms can gain a new life after perceived abandon. The beliefs and mindsets the farm embodies emerge with it. They may take a different semblance, but fundamentally, they carry the same hope, regenerated from the ground up. The Hub of Prosperity carries the dreams and hopes of the Magic Valley of the Rio Grande Valley.
Hernan Colmenero
people and roma tomatoes
A farmer hands a box of food to a customerCanva Pro

Episode 263. Feeding the World: Localism, Ecological Resilience, and Farmer Agency

In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Agriculture Specialists Nina Prater and Lee Rinehart compare the “feed the world” narrative to another narrative centered around “food sovereignty” and discuss what farmers, organizations, and governments can do to enable communities to achieve that sovereignty.
Nina Prater and Lee Rinehart
harvesting in the field

Feeding the World: Localism, Ecological Resilience, and Farmer and Community Agency

My alarm goes off, the kettle whistles and coffee steeps in the French press. At my desk I boot up my computer to prepare for what comes. Typical day. What’s also typical lately are the numerous articles I read on how the global food system is being stressed by high fuel and fertilizer prices. So today I did a quick search. In 2017, oil prices were $60 per barrel and fertilizer costs were $109 per acre. Fast forward to 2022 and oil is going for $105, and it costs $291 to fertilize an acre of crops.
Lee Rinehart

NCAT Heading to Southern Family Farmers and Food Systems Conference

We have saved the date! This August 7-9, 2022, National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) specialists will be presenting at the 2022 Southern Family Farmers and Food System Conference. They will be covering topics ranging from soil health and carbon planning to livestock and horticulture. Additionally, they will be available to answer any questions about key projects at NCAT projects.
Luz Ballesteros Gonzalez

Episode 253. How to Conserve Water at an Urban, Mountain Desert Farm

NCAT’s headquarters in Butte, Montana, has a complicated growing climate to say the least. That makes John Wallace’s job as farm manager of NCAT’s Small-Scale Intensive Farm Training program – or SIFT – challenging as well.
John Wallace and Victorian Smart