
Episode 154: Using Cover Crops in an Organic Walnut Orchard

In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT’s Rex Dufour interviews organic walnut farmer and processor, Russ Lester, at Dixon Ridge Farms in Winters, California. Russ shares some very practical thoughts about why he uses cover crops and explains how multi-functional cover crops are to his orchards.

Rex Dufour has been a sustainable agriculture specialist with NCAT/ATTRA since 1994, and opened NCAT’s Western Regional Office in California in 2001.

For more information on this topic, you can contact Rex Dufour directly at rexd@ncat.org.

Related ATTRA Resources:

Managing Soils for Water: How Five Principles of Soil Health Support Water Infiltration and Storage

Tipsheet: Assessing the Soil Resource for Beginning Organic Farmers

Managing Soil and Irrigation for Drought Webinar

Other Resources:

Dixon Ridge Farms website

Please call ATTRA with any and all of your sustainable agriculture questions at 800-346-9140 or e-mail us at askanag@ncat.org. Our two dozen specialists can help you with a vast array of topics, everything from farm planning to pest management, from produce to livestock, and soils to aquaculture.

You can get in touch with NCAT/ATTRA specialists and find our other extensive, and free, sustainable-agriculture publications, webinars, videos, and other resources at NCAT/ATTRA’s website.

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